Safeguarding Your Evidence, Streamlining Your Processes.

Efficiently Manage, Secure, and Access Your Critical Evidence Anytime, Anywhere
Advanced evidence management solutions

Evidence collection

Autodit enables organizations to collect and store evidence from a range of sources, including logs, network traffic, devices, cloud infrastructure, and applications. This feature allows you to capture and preserve critical evidence for future use in investigations or audits.
Secure access controls

Chain of custody

Maintaining a clear chain of custody is critical to any successful investigation or legal proceeding. That's why our evidence management platform is designed to ensure that all evidence is collected, stored, and analyzed in a secure and tamper-evident manner, with a clear chain of custody maintained throughout the process. Our platform provides end-to-end encryption, secure access controls, and robust audit trails to ensure that your evidence is protected against unauthorized access, tampering, or destruction. Our solution also enables you to track and log every action taken with the evidence, providing a clear and complete record of the chain of custody.
Advanced analytics tools

Evidence analysis

Autodit's Evidence Analysis feature enables organizations to analyze and correlate evidence to identify patterns and anomalies that may indicate a security incident or violation. This feature allows you to quickly identify and respond to security incidents and minimize their impact.
Preserve and retain evidence for future

Preservation and retention

Autodit's Preservation and Retention feature enables organizations to preserve and retain evidence for future use in legal proceedings, internal investigations, auditing, and compliance efforts. This feature ensures that evidence is stored securely and for the required length of time, enabling organizations to maintain a complete and accurate record of their activities.
Enhance incident response and investigation


Autodit's Reporting feature enables organizations to generate reports and dashboards that summarize evidence and provide insights into the status of security incidents and investigations. This feature allows you to monitor and track the progress of your incident response and investigation efforts effectively.
Streamline Incident Collaboration


Autodit's Collaboration feature enables organizations to enable collaboration among team members involved in incident response and investigation, facilitating communication and knowledge sharing. This feature is particularly useful for distributed teams or those with a large number of stakeholders involved in the investigation process.

Fast Track Compliance In Days

Whether you are an early stage startup or established organisation we willhelp you in compliance with our automated solution in process.
Fast Track Compliance In Days
Whether you are an early stage startup or established organization we will help you in compliance with our automated solution in process.